Economies evolve around people.  The ability or not, of an economy to distil “Manpower” into “Talent” will impact the speed and sustainability of its growth.  Yet, “Talent Shortage” has plagued Hong Kong for years, the barrier-to growth let spread silently until its pervasiveness was sore-felt across virtually all sectors.

The SAR Government is pushing ahead with its many initiatives to create strong impetus for growth, some of which boast “new job creation” as one of the many benefits.  This should be a clear call-to-action that more needs to be set into motion to ensure adequate “Talent Development”.   Not simply to fill new vacancies and fuel new growth, but to resolve existing shortage that local businesses are already faced with. 

Talent Development Is A Big Issue

  • Talent acquisition, be it via Trawling, Upskilling or Reskilling, is only the beginning. This is neither standalone nor one-off, but a multi-faceted on-going cycle aimed at effectively unleashing the best abilities of our society’s manpower resources to meet and replenish our market’s needs.
  • Equally important in the process, are the channels in place to match talent pools with employers that are in need of their skills.

This is a huge task that, to be effective, must be a constant, collaborative effort by all stakeholders:  Educator/Training Program Owners, Employers and Learners

Introducing Together-For-Talent:  Facilitating 1 + 1 = 3 (& More) Through Technology

  • Effective mobilization of otherwise idle and under-utilized manpower in our community requires tireless interations between the enterprise “Employers”, those who input trending needs for skills, talent development “Program Owners” who design and operate on-point training initiatives, and ultimately placement of trained talent into the job market where they are needed

About The Together-For-Talent Forum

  • Our Mission: Leverage Technology To Let Our Community Gather – Work Together – Unleash Hong Kong’s Talent Potential To The Fullest
  • Rather than hosting haphazard and scattered events here and there, the Together-For-Talent Forum is created to provide a sustainable, travel-not-required easy access & free-to-use online gathering place for Program Owners, Employers and Learners.
  • Explore, Communicate & Collaborate Without Boundaries. Make It Now.   Make It Easy

Why Take Part?

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  • 培育未來人才,   融合「課堂教育」與「實際經驗」

  • 鮮為人知「Best Kept Secret」的職場生力軍?

  • 緊貼市場: 「貼地」多元學習 ,培育靈活專才

  • 配合Z世代,「育才」也要數碼轉型



Co-op@CUHK: 700+ placement for students in Hong Kong, Greater Bay & the rest of Asia 中大「在學.在職計劃」為學生提供逾700個本地、大灣區及亞洲實習 機會

Director, Office of Co-operative Education Programme (OCEP)
The Chinese University of Hong Kong


HKMU becomes HK‘s 1st university of applied sciences (UAS) 都大成為本港首間應用科學大學

Head of Industry Partnerships and Career Development
Hong Kong Metropolitan University

陳加崗先生(Edward)在香港都會大學(都大)領導學生職業發展、創業教育和產業合作,都大是香港最大的自資大學,擁有13,000多名全日制學生。通過與產業和社區夥伴緊密合作,我們團隊致力為都大學生創造更多元化的職業機會,同時提高他們的就業能力和創新思維。在加入都大之前,Edward曾在香港、北京和矽谷不同行業的企業和初創中擔任人才發展、業務拓展和市場營銷的領導職位。Edward 熱衷於幫助年輕人充分實現他們的潛力,也在香港大學獲得了教育碩士學位。

Brian Cheng

Generation 香港行政總裁
Chief Executive Officer
Generation Hong Kong

鄭浩維先生為Generation香港行政總裁。Generation是由麥肯錫公司(McKinsey & Company)創立的全球性非牟利機構,而鄭先生從Generation於2018年初登陸香港開始,便一直帶領機構的運作及發展,目標為解決教育與就業之間的缺口,以及解決香港人才錯配及未來人才的需求。

在加入Generation 香港之前,鄭先生過往十多年一直在教育相關領域工作,並先後擔任芝加哥大學布思商學院亞洲區的營運總監及香港科技專上書院的行政部門主管等職位。

鄭先生熱愛且積極投入青年及社區相關事務,現時同時為香港生產力促進局理事會成員,教育局資優教育諮詢委員會委員、Enactus創行香港名譽顧問,以及於不同社創比賽中擔任評判、導師及顧問 。


Invest For The Future 投資為人才

AI-Powered Efficiency-Gain Solution For Universities & Tertiary Education “1-Platform” To Manage All Talent Matching & Recruitment Activities & Procedures

林氏於2002年加入斯博,目前負責斯博在大中華區内所有銷售業務的整體運營。 他擁有雙碩士(電子商務及應用商業研究),並曾參與過本港和亞太地區的多個大型電訊專案,不僅對於電信產品銷售及售前技術支援等工作擁有豐富的經驗,在產品應用開發及專案管理等方面同樣深具實力。憑着對電訊核心技術雲端通訊及IP技術等的深入了解,緊貼市場最新動向和傳新技術的敏銳洞察力,林氏與公司的客戶能夠一直保持緊密合作,推出過多項新穎、易用、並能為商界提升營收及強化業務效益的技術方案。自2021年起林氏更與本港多家頂尖大學在舉辦實體、網上及混合式活動上合作,亦因此累積不少與Z時代年輕族群互動的獨特見解。